The Definitive Guide to the Universe in the Earth year 2260.


Date of Edition: 2260


The purpose of this encyclopedia is to present a guide of and for all intelligent races in the known galaxy. It features information on most races that have been interacted with by our sources of information.

The guide is based on a number of what we consider the most important outlines that define a race and its culture. The Collins Encyclopedia Galactica has the intention to be the most complete guide, and to give detailed information in a form that can be understood by most races. However, as this guide's sources are (still) mainly human, it was in some cases impossible to arrange the presentation to be compatible with some other races senses or ability to understand the information contained in this guide. The next edition may feature special features designed by the races concerned that will help them understand the content of this guide in their own preferred way. Besides that, we will contract non-human sources of information as well!

Keep any visual organs on this page: It is constantly being updated!

What To Expect:

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This new version will illuminate even more than previous versions the facts about our universe! You have made a wise decision to access the one and only CEG. Just read on and you will lose the need to search for other databases, as only the CEG will give you all the information you require!
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